Tune in this Saturday, April 10 at 8 PM on the popular TV show “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou” (The Most Useful School in the World), and watch as Jarman International CEO Ruth Marie Jarman teaches us all about what makes Japan so unique in the world!

Tune in this Saturday, April 10 at 8 PM on the popular TV show “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou” (The Most Useful School in the World), and watch as Jarman International CEO Ruth Marie Jarman teaches us all about what makes Japan so unique in the world!This coming Saturday, April 10, 2021, from 8 PM, Jarman International CEO Ruth Marie Jarman will teach us all about Japan’s unique people and culture on the incredibly popular TV show called “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou” (The Most Useful School in the World), which will be broadcasted on the Nippon TV channel.

This beloved TV show has been broadcasting every week for almost 20 years, and is all about bringing experts in particular fields of all ages and backgrounds or “professors” to teach us a class on topics that are very useful, and yet, are not always taught at school.

Based on her over 30-year experience working and living in Japan, Ruth will be teaching us what makes this country so unique compared to the world, based on several categories such as safety and cleanliness.

This is a class you definitely don’t want to miss!

“Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou” (The Most Useful School in the World) official website (Japanese): https://www.ntv.co.jp/sekaju/


Tune in this Saturday, April 10 at 8 PM on the popular TV show “Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyou” (The Most Useful School in the World), and watch as Jarman International CEO Ruth Marie Jarman teaches us all about what makes Japan so unique in the world!