Deep Japan – I was born in Osaka Japan and Here is My View

Article by yumin, originally published on Deep Japan Tokyo Culture vs. Osaka Culture Let me compare Tokyo and Osaka in terms of culture by using a metaphor of kitchen accessory. Tokyo is “Sponge”. It soaks up all kinds of information and people Continue Reading

Deep Japan: Casual Shojin Ryori in Tokyo, Japan

Article by Nico, originally published on Deep Japan Shojin Ryori, or shojin cuisine, is the form of Buddhist cuisine that is popular with the vegetarian/vegan foreigner crowd here in Japan. Traditionally the food that Buddhist monks make for themselves in their temples, Continue Reading

Deep Japan: How to enjoy Matsuri in Shitamachi

Article by Keiko, originally published on Deep Japan Ready for Matsuri? May is the most comfortable month in Japan. Sun shines, flowers bloom and wind blows softly. However, in Shitamachi, May is the season of Matsuri, the summer festivals of Shrines. Usually, Continue Reading

Deep Japan: “Restaurant Chez Mikawa”, Fine Belgian cuisine and beer in Akasaka

Article by YumikoH, originally published on Deep Japan Do you like Japanese beers? Yes, they’re light, fine and refreshing. I love them! But sometimes, I feel like having something different, like Belgian beers. In Tokyo, you can find bars offering Belgian beers, Continue Reading