Endlessly Experience the Amazing Passions of This Japanese Drum Performance! John Daub Shows Us the Secret Powers of Kodo Drum Performances!

Endlessly Experience the Amazing Passions of This Japanese Drum Performance! John Daub Shows Us the Secret Powers of Kodo Drum Performances!How amazing was the first-virtual Earth Celebration (EC) of 2020?
It ended with great success with so many viewers from across Japan and worldwide!

EC is also one of the biggest events for Japan’s top taiko, “drum” troupe, Kodo(鼓童). Out of curiosity we wondered, what their daily lifestyle is like for them?

To discover the secret day-to-day life routines of the Kodo drummers, You can check out the video by YouTube creator and producer, John Daub.

The Life of a Japanese Drummer | The KODŌ Story /太鼓奏者の日常|鼓童 ★ ONLY in JAPAN (オンリー・イン・ ジャパン)

★To subscribe the John’s channel, click the link here for more incredible content co come!
ONLY in JAPAN * John Daub

Endlessly Experience the Amazing Passions of This Japanese Drum Performance! John Daub Shows Us the Secret Powers of Kodo Drum Performances!FYI, Earth Celebration 2021 will be held from August 20th (Fri) to August 22nd (Sun).
More details will be announced in April 2021!

★For more information about Earth Celebration, please visit their official site here: Earth Celebration


We look forward to seeing great taiko performance in Sado next summer!

★If you miss Earth Celebration 2020, you can check the performances on the Earth Celebration YouTube channel below!  (Available until the end of September)
The Earth Celebration YouTube Channel