Midas – Free Yet Disciplined- The Future of Japan’s Work Environment

Midas Office Walkthrough


Midas, Office, entrance, Tokyo


As of 2013, Midas boasts a newly renovated office that fully embodies both their mission and image as the premier office design firm in Japan. From the layout to the appearance, to the actual functional elements of the office, Midas has truly accomplished an office ideal, and now it is time to share it with Japan and the world.

“Rather than simple renovation, the office is given new life entirely”

This is what Midas has accomplished with their office rebirth, and what they hope to accomplish for all of their clients, and truly change the traditional and stale dynamic of the Japanese workplace.

Before the actual physical renovation began, Midas had laid out their design principles in a comprehensive list:

Community- To bring employees together with less barriers between departments.
Collaboration- Concrete areas to collaborate, even spontaneously.
Interactivity- Cross-department ideas/implementation.
Nomad Work- The ability to utilize smart technology and wifi to bring your work anywhere.
Free Address- Free seating in the office to reduce traditional rigidity.
Innovation in Work Methods- New angles to approach work from, rather than just a cubicle.

The results of the office transformation; the following areas all saw increases:

Information sharing on customer needs
Concern with company achievement
Innovative ideas
Quick decision making
Freedom to choose work method
Transmission of specialized abilities
Support for innovation
Concern with company improvement
Creative service

So how are these “improvements” embodied in the new Midas office? What brought them to life?


Midas, Office, Multi-purpose, TokyoA multi-purpose collaboration space, open at all times of the day. The subtle and stylistic elements encourage fundamental thinking from the ground up, as after all, Midas is in the field of creation.





Midas, main, forum, Tokyo

The “forum” area of the office near the entrance gives the option for free and open discussion with clients, or between employees. The white spaces lining the roof are actual projector screens that can be pulled down to dissect the room according to needs, and can also keep temperature contained. The Polar Bear of course gives a slight impression of home.



Midas, meeting, casual, office design
Midas knows that sitting down all day can stifle your productivity and effort, and rather than concern for the projects of the company, you will be more concerned with ticking clock. Midas provides additional space to stretch your legs, and be more active in discussions with your co-workers.





Midas, main, office, long,
The entire length of the primary work area is bisected by a track. What runs along the track is a bit unique: Sliding white boards for that quick memo that you want to slide down to someone across the room. This makes brainstorming a much more active and participatory work element. Computers on the right side, and tables for impromptu meetings or even some coffee on the left. Written ideas in the middle for an easy flow between a stationary and nomad mindset.



midas, office, main, whiteboard
Midas provides additional storage space for employees, and furthermore encourages them to bring more personal belongings to work, or anything else they feel will make their work day more enjoyable. Perhaps a hobby to work on during lunch, or a change of clothes if you want to head downtown for a drink after work. These boxes, as well as closet spaces are for the employee to use at will.
The concern Midas has for the mental and physical well-being of its employees is unrivaled in Japan, and Midas furthermore understands that this approach is in everyone’s best interest. A company that places results and numbers before the freedom and happiness of its employees will soon find severely poor effects on the results they deliver to clients.
Quality over quantity, thoroughness and creativity over speed and uniformity. Giving free reign to your employees may not work for every company as they are structured currently, but companies like Midas with an environment that inspires necessary discipline and thought are the flagships of the campaign against Japan’s stuttering innovation.