Nationality: American
Time Lived in Japan: 3 years
Employer(s): Jarman International K.K. and Company Cue
Current Job Title: Director of Internet Strategy and Project Manager
Area(s) of Expertise: Writing and editing for print and web, blogging, social media, WordPress and SEO
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Michigan State University, USA
Publications Featured In: The Wall Street Journal, The Style Line, Deep Japan, Savvy Tokyo, HealthyTokyo, Venus Zine, DailyCandy, Lansing City Pulse
Favorite Thing About Living in Japan: The food!
Favorite Place to Visit in Japan: Kyoto
BIO: Petra is an American journalist and web content specialist who has lived in Tokyo with her husband since February 2014. Her work has been published by The Wall Street Journal and on websites like The Style Line and Deep Japan. She also documents her life in Japan and travels throughout Asia on her blog, 100 Tacks. Knowing the next adventure is usually only a train ride away, she enjoys exploring new parts of Japan as much as possible.
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