Jarman International CEO, Ruth Marie Jarman’s article offers ideas on how elementary school teachers can prepare their students for the future in an increasingly internationalized Japan. Experts predict that 10% of Japan’s population will be international residents by 2040, but Ruth actually believes this percentage will be reached around 2030. Either way, Japan’s children will grow up in a society fundamentally different from that of their parents and teachers. Drawing from her experience in multicultural Hawaii, Ruth shares insights on how educators can help students navigate the challenges and opportunities of Japan’s evolving demographic landscape.

Ruth discusses Hawaii’s potluck culture, where every dish on the table is unique and delicious in its own way. Additionally, in the plate lunch style, people combine different types of food on the same plate, enjoying a variety of cultural flavors. Similarly, Ruth suggests that teachers encourage students to take pride in their own unique contributions to the world while also understanding the importance of adapting to maintain social harmony in Japan. She also emphasizes the value of inspiring students’ curiosity about other cultures and helping them see themselves as important contributors to an increasingly diverse global society.
Ruth hopes her article provides food for thought for teachers across Japan as they work to prepare their students for the exciting realities of a more globalized future.
Ruth’s article was published in the March edition. You can view the table of contents HERE.